Twelve Thousand Truckers Quit Canada Because of Vaccine Mandate

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12,000 Truckers Aren't Happy With Canada's New Cross-Border Vaccine Mandate.
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Firstly, there is a deadline put into action in mere days. And when that happens, twelve thousand truckers are not going to be cool with it. This is an act against the COVID-19 vaccines. Shortfall risks involve throwing a supply chain in the bin. The pandemic.

Fraser Johnson is a business management professor at Western University’s Ivey Business School. He says that practically everything will be under some effect. “Almost everything we buy will be affected somehow.”

The non-fully vaccinated truckers are defiant in this perspective. Mainly, because the beliefs they have involved seeing life as if it’s not going to be well-known by the vaccines.

Of course, manufacturers are not crazy about this, being that there can and maybe assembly line delays caused by this. Retailers have the added difficulty of facing empty shelves and higher price ranges. Also, produce can potentially be thrown off by COVID-19 response, or lack of it, therefore.

This Will Affect The Whole Supply Chain

Johnson has a lot of opinions about this. “It will definitely mean some empty shelves. Will we get through this? Yes. But will we notice it? Absolutely.” He claims that $1.7 billion of goods actually cross the border by truck every day.

Twelve Thousand Truckers Angry To Associate With Absurdity

According to the Canadian Trucking Alliance, there are at least 12,000 Canadian truckers going back and forth between the border, that aren’t likely to be entirely done by the deadline.

That’s about 10% of the total amount of said truckers.

The truckers entering the United States themselves are stuck between a rock and a hard place. This being that truckers will have to endure a January 21st deadline. This will be the only way they can continue to possibly travel between the United States and Canada. The government made its mandate known in mid-November. And yet there is almost no change happening. This is according to the CTA president, Stephen Laskowski.

“We have had lots of conversations with the federal government, but no indication of a change in policy.”

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