As we ease our way out of winter and into the spring season, it is important to remember the ways to maintain safety when trucking. We have compiled a list of our biggest and best tips to make the driving during this seasonal transition as easy and safe as can be!
Double Check Your Vehicle Before Hitting the Road
You always want to make sure your vehicle is in good condition before embarking on a trucking journey. You never know what kind of damage you may have sustained after your last driving escapade, so it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your truck. You want to take a look for any damage, especially pertaining to your tires, brakes, turn signals, and windshield wipers. Additionally, check the fuel level of your truck and fill up before leaving if possible.
Remember Spring Weather Can Be Unpredictable
Spring is sometimes warm, sometimes cold, sometimes sunny, and sometimes rainy. Spring weather notoriously can change at the drop of a hat as well. It is important to remember this when you prepare to leave so that you can properly get ready. You will want to make sure you have all the necessities you need for yourself in these different weather conditions, as well as for your truck. Be sure to have any and all tools that you may need to fix weather-caused issues.
Look Out For Potholes
Winter brings out potholes more than any other due to severe driving conditions. However, they often are not super noticeable until the spring. Be on the lookout for potholes as you travel along in order to avoid the risk of tire damage.
Be Aware of Increased Road Activity
Spring brings out the activeness all around. Animals become more active, people enjoy the fresh air more, and things like construction projects really get to work. It is best to stay very attentive when on the road in spring as animals are known to run into the road more often, pedestrians tend to walk along nearby sidewalks and cross the street more, as well as use bicycle lanes more frequently, and construction sites are more commonly seen with active work being done.