What is a USDOT number?

A USDOT number is a unique number for your company that gives immediate access to your company’s safety information during check-ups. It includes,  for example, inspections, compliance reviews, audits and accident investigations.  Companies that use commercial motor vehicles to transport passengers or haul cargo in interstate commerce must also display the company’s USDOT number.

Who needs a USDOT Number?

You need to get a DOT number if your vehicle:

  • is over 10,000 lbs
  • transports more than 8 passengers, which includes the driver, for compensation, in this case you require an MC number
  • transports 16 or more passengers
  • hauls hazardous material

You can find out if you need DOT Authority or not with the location in which your vehicle transports goods or passengers. At first, you need a number if your vehicle is used for trade or transport in one or more of these ways:

  • traveling between two places located in one state, but through another state (or through a location outside of the US)
  • between two places located within one state as part of a trade, traffic or transportation with the original location or destination located outside of the US
  • between a state and another state, or a state and a location outside of the US

How Can You Get Your DOT Authority?

Getting authority to operate, such as MC number, can be a complicated process that allows no mistakes and takes time.  At Los Angeles Truck Insurance it’s our goal to make it easy and save your time.

Start with protecting your assets with forming an LLC (Limited Liability Company) or a corporation. It’s Important to create a business entity for your company instead of using your own name to conduct business.  The next step is applying for a USDOT number and MC number. It will take 21 days for your operating authority to become active.

If you have any questions regarding your state regulations our professionals will assist you. Also, ask us about affordable truck insurance.

Furthermore, it’s your responsibility as of a motor carrier operator (or driver) to obtain a USDOT Number and comply with all the FMCSA regulations.

Contact us today at (213) 634-3292 and we’ll be happy to answer any questions!