Los Angeles Cargo Insurance

To insure the cargo you haul, you’ll need Los Angeles Cargo Insurance. If your cargo is stolen or lost, this type of coverage will cover your expenses. Rates for this type of truck insurance vary depending on the type of freight you are looking to insure. Shipping dry goods, for instance, requires less in coverage than shipping vehicles.

Having coverage for cargo is not a legal requirement but your customers will certainly demand you insure the freight you are hauling. Plus, if you haul cargo such as toxic gas or hazmat, you should definitely acquire it.

Los Angeles Truck Insurance will be happy to assist you!

cargo insurance

At Los Angeles Truck Insurance we can help you get cargo coverage with any truck and trailer insurance, including:

And many other types of coverage!

Cargo Insurance is not used for passenger vehicles, garbage trucks, and ice cream trucks. You also cannot use it for:

  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Live animals
  • Jewelry
  • Art
  • Money

Why Do You Need Los Angeles Cargo Coverage?

It’s important to carry enough cargo insurance to be able to cover financial losses in case something happens to your cargo. After all, it can be stolen or damaged in a fire or accident. And let’s be honest, some types of freight can cost you thousands of dollars if anything happens.

Contact Los Angeles Truck Insurance at (213) 634-3292 and let one of our professional agents assist you today. We’ll make sure you get the best price for your coverage!